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Biology CLEP Practice Test
1) The primary and universal carrier of chemical energy in living beings is the ATP, this was suggested by
A) Albert Lehninger
B) Fritz Lipmann
C) Karl Lohmann
D) Y. Subbarow
E) None of the above
2) Volume and surface area of cell have
A) No relation
B) Occasional relation
C) Direct proportion relation
D) Inverse proportion relation
E) None of the above
3) Size of the cell is governed by
A) Cell volume and cell surface area ratio
B) Nucleus and cytoplasm ratio
C) Rate of cellular metabolism
D) All the above
E) None of the above
4) Where is the pollen found in a flower?
A) Stamen
B) Sepals
C) Anther
D) Carpels
E) Stigma
5) What is the name for the process used to create glucose from carbon dioxide?
A) Calvin cycle
B) The NADPH process
C) Glycolysis
D) Krebs cycle
E) Photosynthesis
6) What is the name for the process used to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy?
A) Calvin cycle
B) The NADPH process
C) Glycolysis
D) Krebs cycle
E) Photosynthesis
7) In a strand of DNA, what would be paired with A-G-C-C-T-A?
A) C-T-A-A-G-C
B) T-C-G-G-A-T
C) G-A-T-T-C-G
D) A-G-C-C-T-A
E) Cannot be determined
8) “Trechalose” is a disaccharide formed by two glucose units, and is a
A) Reducing sugar
B) Non-reducing sugar
C) Reducing aldose
D) Non-reducing ketose
E) None of the above
9) Cellulose is a glucose polymer with
A) P-1, 4 linkage
B) ot-1, 4 linkage
C) a-1, 6 linkage
D) p-1, 4 and 1, 6 linkage
E) None of the above
10) What is the term referring to the study of the evolutionary history of organisms?
A) Analogy
B) Systematics
C) Homology
D) Parsimony
E) Phylogeny

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
- A:) Karl Lohmann.
- D:) Inverse proportion relation.
- A:) Cell volume and cell surface area ratio.
- C:) Anther. Pollen is found in the anther, where it is formed in pollen sacs.
- A:) Calvin cycle. This reaction takes place in the stroma of photosynthetic plants. The Calvin cycle is a part of photosynthesis, however, it isn’t the entire process.
- D:) Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is important to metabolism because it is how the body breaks down carbohydrates to produce energy.
- B:) T-C-G-G-A-T. This can be determined because adenine always pairs with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine.
- B:) Non-reducing sugar.
- B:) ot-1, 4 linkage.
- E:) Phylogeny. The study of phylogenics includes the study of different primitive characteristics and derived characteristics to determine line of descent.