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Humanities CLEP Practice Test
1) Match the artist or author with his or her work – Mark Twain
A) The Count of Monte-Cristo
B) Tom Sawyer
C) Ulysses
D) The Sound and the Fury
E) Pride and Prejudice
2) In music, andante means
A) Fast
B) Slow
C) Dancing
D) Moderately
E) As a march
3) Match the artist or author with his or her work – William Faulkner
A) The Count of Monte-Cristo
B) Tom Sawyer
C) Ulysses
D) The Sound and the Fury
E) Pride and Prejudice
4) Match the artist or author with his or her work – Jane Austen
A) The Count of Monte-Cristo
B) Tom Sawyer
C) Ulysses
D) The Sound and the Fury
E) Pride and Prejudice
5) Which of the following is TRUE of The Canterbury Tales?
A) In the book, each of the pilgrims agreed to tell two tales, one on the way,
and one on the return.
B) The Canterbury Tales are the only surviving work written in Old English.
C) Chaucer finished the book just before his death in 1400.
D) The Canterbury Tales are considered to be the outstanding work written in
Middle English.
E) In the book, the pilgrims all come from similar social classes, making the
theme of the book clear.
6) “I have a dream…” was spoken by
A) John F. Kennedy
B) George Washington
C) Martin Luther King Jr.
D) Mother Teresa
E) None of the above

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
1. The correct answer is B:) Tom Sawyer.
2. The correct answer is B:) Slow.
3. The correct answer is D:) The Sound and the Fury.
4. The correct answer is E:) Pride and Prejudice.
5. The correct answer is D:) The Canterbury Tales are considered to be the outstanding
work written in Middle English. Answer A is incorrect because each pilgrim was to
tell four stories. Answer B is incorrect because The Canterbury Tales was written in
Middle English. Answer C is incorrect because Chaucer did not finish the book before
his death in 1400. Answer E is incorrect because the pilgrims come from all different
social classes.
6. The correct answer is C:) Martin Luther King Jr.