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Management CLEP Practice Test
1) PERT is an acronym for what?
A) Personal effort retention training
B) Practical employment risk training
C) Program evaluation and review technique
D) Personnel employment round table
E) None of the above
2) Which of the following are the levels of management?
A) Technical, interpersonal and conceptual
B) Technical, interpersonal and line staff
C) Training, managing, staffing
D) Controlling, planning, retaining
E) None of the above
3) Which of the following is NOT a contributor to an employee’s attitude?
A) Previous jobs
B) Education
C) Peers
D) Family
E) None of the above
4) Which of the following is NOT a protected Title VII class?
A) Race
B) Age
C) Sexual preference
D) Religion
E) None of the above
5) Which of the following is an industry commonly known to have line employees?
A) Automotive
B) Woodworking
C) Education
D) Retail
E) Hospitality
6) A billboard is an example of
A) Active listening
B) Two-way communication
C) One-way communication
D) Passive communication
E) None of the above
7) Which of the following shows alternate paths for decision making?
A) Organizational chart
B) Gantt chart
C) Decision tree
D) Simulation
E) None of the above
8) Which of the following can NOT be discussed in a job interview?
A) Education and degrees
B) Children
C) Previous wages
D) Personality
E) Salary
9) Regarding sexual harassment which of the following is NOT true
A) Offenders can be same or opposite sex
B) Victims do not have to be harassed personally but affected through environment
C) Harasser must be a superior employee
D) Harassment may occur without economic injury
E) None of the above
10) Clayton Alderfer created his ERG theory based on the work of which theorist?
A) Max Weber
B) Henri Fayol
C) Abtraham Maslow
D) Frank Gilbreth
E) Peter Drucker

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
1) C:) Program evaluation and review technique.
2) A:) Technical, interpersonal and conceptual.
3) B:) Education. Education is generally not considered a contributor to an employee’s attitude.
4) C:) Sexual preference.
5) A:) Automotive.
6) C:) One-way communication.
7) C:) Decision tree.
8) B:) Children
9) C:) Harasser must be a superior employee.
10) C:) Abraham Maslow. Alderfer wanted to revise Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to match empirical research.