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Natural Sciences CLEP Practice Test
l) To explain fine structure of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom we must consider
A) Finite size of the nucleus
B) The presence of neutrons in the nucleus
C) Spin angular momentum
D) Orbital angular momentum
E) Nucleus size
2) According to the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, radiation is emitted when the electron
A) Revolves in an orbit
B) Jumps from an orbit to the nucleus
C) Jumps from a larger orbit to a smaller orbit
D) Jumps from a smaller orbit to a larger orbit
E) When it is charged
3) Which land alteration from human activities affects the hydrological cycle?
A) Biological characteristics
B) Physical characteristics
C) Chemical characteristics
D) All of these
E) None of these
4) Land slope occurs in which way?
A) Upward west to the east
B) Upward east to the west
C) Downward west to the east
D) Downward east to the west
E) Upward north to the south
5) Common origin of man and chimpanzee is best shown by
A) Dental formula
B) Cranial capacity
C) Chromosome number in binding
D) Binocular vision
E) None of the above
6) Photosynthetic units are:
A) Oxysome
B) Peroxysome
C) Dictyosome
D) Quantasome
E) Neosome
7) The pyrenoids are made up of
A) Core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath
B) Core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath
C) Proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath
D) Core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein
E) None of the above
8) The polytene chromosomes were discovered for the first time in
A) Chironomus
B) Musca domestica
C) Musca nebulo
D) Drosophila
E) None of the above
9) The DNA molecule is shaped like
A) Tinker toys
B) Twisted ladder
C) Tall h
D) Spiral
E) Circular
10) Which of the following is the fourth phase of mitosis?
A) Anaphase
B) Prophase
C) Metaphase
D) Telophase
E) None of the above

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
- C:) Spin angular momentum.
- C:) Jumps from a larger orbit to a smaller orbit.
- D:) All of these.
- C:) Downward west to the east.
- B:) Cranial capacity.
- D:) Quantasome.
- C:) Proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath.
- A:) Chironomus.
- B:) Twisted ladder.
- D:) Telophase.