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Social Sciences and History CLEP Practice Test
1) Who benefited most from the Reconstruction?
A) Northerners
B) Southerners
C) African Americans
D) European Immigrants
E) Whites
2) Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire were disintegrated due to what major American event?
A) World War I
B) The War of 1812
C) World War II
D) The War of Independence
E) The Compromise of 1850
3) Social psychology, sociology and anthropology have what in common?
A) They all study how people live and work in groups and communities.
B) They were all founded by Freud.
C) They are all in the same college major.
D) They require accreditation to work in.
E) None of the above
4) A difficult barrier to overcome in middle-eastern culture was the on slot of multiple languages, which were the two widely spoken languages in the Middle East?
A) Arabic and Persian
B) Azeri and Greek
C) Armenian and Greek
D) Kurdish and Turkish
E) Hebrew and Turkish
5) The Writ of Habeas Corpus helps uphold which amendment of the constitution?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 12
D) 15
E) 18
6) Who claimed American land for England?
A) Ferdinand Magellan
B) John Cabot
C) Hernando de Soto
D) Sir John Hawkins
E) Sir Walter Raleigh
7) Which of the following is NOT one of the United Nations four main purposes?
A) To keep peace throughout the world
B) To develop friendly relations among nations
C) To stop the production of all weapons of mass destruction
D) To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, conquer hunger, disease, and illiteracy
E) To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations
8) The original Olympic Games began in what year and in what country?
A) 776 BC in Athens, Greece
B) 776 BC in Olympia, Greece
C) 676 BC in Athens, Greece
D) 776 BC in Sparta, Greece
E) 676 BC in Olympia, Greece
9) Geographers use four interrelated approaches to geographical techniques. Name those four approaches.
A) Systematic, geostatistics, regional and descriptive
B) Systematic, ethnography, geostatistics, and cartography
C) Systematic, regional, descriptive, and analytical
D) Systematic, cartography, descriptive and analytical
E) Systematic, remotes sensing, cartography and analytical

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
- 1. C:) African Americans. As a part of Reconstruction, each Confederate state had to agree to the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments which ended slavery and gave slaves the right to due process and voting.
- 2. A:) World War I . World War I eventually disintegrated the Empires of the Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Ottoman.
- 3. A:) They all study how people live and work in groups and communities.
- 4. A:) Arabic and Persian. Arabic and Persian were the most widely spoken language in the Middle-East region.
- 5. B:) 5.
- 6. B:) John Cabot. Cabot was originally looking for a passage to India, but instead ended up claiming the eastern coast of North America for England.
- 7. C:) To stop the production of all weapons of mass destruction.
- 8. B:) 776 BC in Olympia, Greece.
- 9. C:) Systematic, regional, descriptive, and analytical.