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Sociology CLEP Practice Test
1) Folkways are
A) The norms or expected behaviors of a society.
B) The expected morals of a society, which are taken very seriously.
C) Specifically enforced rules of a society.
D) A person’s general beliefs or opinions.
E) A person’s fundamental beliefs.
2) Which age group is the fastest growing the United States?
A) Under 18 years
B) 18-30 years
C) 31-45 years
D) 46-64 years
E) 65+ years
3) Demographics is integral to the study of
A) Mathematics
B) Sociology
C) Psychology
D) Linguistics
E) None of the above
4) The Amish people in Pennsylvania have their own distinct customs, use their own banks, stores, schools and use no electricity. However, their customs are generally accepted by people in the surrounding areas. This is called
A) Cultural pluralism
B) Halo effect
C) Glass ceiling
D) Endogamy
E) None of the above
5) Who studied group interactions?
A) Karl Marx
B) Emile Durkheim
C) Georg Simmel
D) C. Wright Mills
E) Irving Janis
6) Beliefs, norms, values and attitudes
A) Mores
B) Law
C) Culture
D) Role
E) Anomie
7) A mother, father, daughter and son make up a
A) Nuclear family
B) Blended family
C) Extended family
D) Kibbutz
E) None of the above
8) When a person feels that they lack values of purpose it is called
A) Anomie
B) Glass Ceiling
C) Gameinschaft
D) Dramaturgy
E) Gesellschaft
9) False consciousness stops people from seeing their potential for
A) Horizontal mobility
B) Self actualization
C) Upward mobility
D) Dramaturgy
E) Exogamy
10) Which of the following is NOT an element of culture?
A) Custom
B) Language
C) Values or beliefs
D) Population
E) All of the above

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
1. A:) The norms or expected behaviors of a society. Answer B describes mores, answer C describes laws, answer D describes attitudes, and answer E describes values.
- 2. E:) 65+ years. This is a result of both the so called baby boom and advances in medical technology.
- 3. B:) Sociology. Demographics is the study of populations, and sociology is the study of societies, so the two have a lot of overlap.
- 4. A:) Cultural pluralism.
- 5. D:) C. Wright Mills.
- 6. C:) Culture.
- 7. A:) Nuclear family.
- 8. A:) Anomie.
- 9. C:) Upward mobility. This comes from a misrepresentation in which the higher classes purposely attempt to make lower classes view themselves as subordinate.
- 10. D:) Population. Population is an element of demographics.