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U.S. History 2 CLEP Practice Test
1) Who was responsible for the “New Deal”?
A) Roosevelt
B) Nixon
C) Reagan
D) Bush
E) Carter
2) Alice Paul is famous for her work in what?
A) Women’s Party
C) Harlem Renaissance
D) Jazz
3)What were the major causes that lead to the Civil War?
A) Eleven Southern Slave states declared their secession and intent for the expansion of slavery
B) Election of Abraham Lincoln
C) Political differences between the North and the South
D) Formation of the Confederate States of America
E) None of the above
4) What was the outcome of the Mexican American War, and the effects it had on the institution of the United States of America?
A) Upon the beneficial win of the Mexican American War, America gained half of the Mexican territory.
B) The aftermath of the Mexican-American War was favorable to America as it gave them command and the region of Texas joining the American Union.
C) The Mexican-American War gained the region of California and the respect of the nation.
D) Upon the beneficial win of the Mexican-American War, America gained three-fourths of the Mexican territory.
E) The aftermath of the Mexican-American War was favorable to the American people who gained the lands of New Mexico, Nevada and California.
5) What country did the majority of the immigrants that settled in the United States come from during the early 1800’s?
A) Mexico
B) Europe
C) Ireland
D) France
E) None of the above
6) Which of the following restricted the rights of unions to strike?
A) Wagner Act
B) Taft-Hartley Act
C) Social Security Act
D) Sherman Act
E) GI Bill
7) Which of the following provided veterans with job training and education assistance?
A) Wagner Act
B) Taft-Hartley Act
C) Social Security Act
D) Sherman Act
E) GI Bill
8) What was one of the first methods of abolitionists?
A) Print anti-slavery literature
B) Put together conventions and lectures about anti-slavery
C) Gather like-minded individuals together
D) Arrange marches and Anti-slavery demonstrations
E) None of the above
9) Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire were disintegrated due to what major American event?
A) World War I
B) The War of 1812
C) World War II
D) The War of Independence
E) The Compromise of 1850
10) What was the major effect of Uncle Tom’s Cabin on society?
A) It produced sympathy and understanding to the horrible treatment of slaves.
B) It was said to have been the main source for abolition movements and was thought to have laid the groundwork for the American Civil War.
C) It reached out to Northerners who eventually became members of Anti-slavery movements.
D) Made Southern Slaveholders to be nicer to their slaves.
E) None of the Above

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
1. A:) Roosevelt.
- 2. A:) Women’s Party. Alice Paul was a feminist activist who worked for equal rights for women as leader of the National Women’s Party.
- 3. A:) Eleven Southern Slave states declared their secession and intent for the expansion of slavery. Although there were many issues that helped to initiate the Civil War, the main issue that caused the Civil War was the eleven Southern Slave states declaring their secession and intent for the expansion of slavery.
- 4. A:) Upon the beneficial win of the Mexican American war, America gained half of the Mexican territory.
- 5. C:) Ireland. Due to the potato famine in Ireland, the majority of immigrants were of Irish descent.
- 6. B:) Taft-Hartley Act. Enacted in 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act restricted the rights of unions to strike and placed more regulations on union operations.
- 7. E:) GI Bill.
- 8. C:) Gather like-minded individuals together. The first method of the abolitionists was to gather like-minded people together, other methods included publishing anti-slavery literature, holding lectures and organizing safety nets for freed slaves.
- 9. A:) World War I. WWI eventually disintegrated the Empires of the Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Ottoman.
- 10. B:) It was said to have been the main source for abolition movements and was thought to have laid the groundwork for the American Civil War. When the author met with Abraham Lincoln he was said to have commented, “So, this is the little lady who made this big war.”