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Western Civilizations 1 CLEP Practice Test
1) Societies in which people traveled to find food were called what
A) Farmers
B) Indians
C) Nomads
D) Cro-magnum
E) Gypsies
2) The first set of laws recoded
A) Code of Ur-Nammu
B) Code of Hammurabi
C) Laws of Eshnunna
D) Mosaic Laws
E) Assyrian Laws
3) Which is the first civilization to have a written language?
A) Mesoamerican
B) French
C) Mesopotamia
D) Sumeria
E) Pakistan
4) Which civilization used columns in their architecture of temples?
A) Greek
B) Italian
C) German
D) Spanish
E) England
5) King Nebuchadnezzar II is most famous for
A) Great Wall
B) Coliseum
C) Sphinx
D) Pyramids
E) The Hanging Gardens
6) The ________ river runs through Rome.
A) Po
B) Tiber
C) Nile
D) Ennis
E) None of the above
7) Which of the following is NOT part of Hammurabi Laws?
A) Inequality before the law
B) No distinction between intentional and accidental crime
C) A person could be sentenced for any crime if not brought to justice by the victim’s family
D) An arm for an arm
E) None of the above
8) A piece of land used for a vassal’s source of income
A) Lord
B) Feudal
C) Fief
D) Plebian
E) None of the above
9) Which of the following a significant influence in constitutional government?
A) Summa Theologica
B) Divine Comedy
C) Magna Carta
D) Koran
E) Tables of Law
10) The Black Plague was spread by
A) Produce
B) Fleas and rats
C) Improper hand washing
D) Tainted meat
E) Restrooms

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CLEP Practice Test Answer Key:
- 1. C:) Nomads. Nomads or those in nomadic societies traveled to where they could find food from hunting or gathering natural resources.
- 2. B:) Code of Hammurabi. The code of Hammurabi are said to have the first code of law recorded in 1765 BC. This code is also known as lex talionis or more commonly known as “an eye for an eye.”
- 3. D:) Sumeria. Sumeria was the home of the first written language.
- 4. A:) Greek. The Greeks used columns in much of their architecture.
- 5. E:) The Hanging Gardens. The Hanging Gardens are said to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
- 6. B:) Tiber. The Tiber river runs through Rome.
- 7. E:) None of the above. All of the answer choices A-D were a part of the Hammurabi Laws.
- 8. C:) Fief. A lord granted land, or a fief to a vassal who would then work the lord’s land and the fief to provide an income for him and his family.
- 9. C:) Magna Carta. The Magna Carta was written in England and gave English subjects of the King specific legal rights such as allowing appeals.
- 10. B:) Fleas and rats. The Black or Bubonic Plague was responsible for killing over 30% of the population.